A 6-hour series introducing the essential concepts and terms of Relational Life Therapy.

Next series in 2025. Please email me if you’d like to be on the waitlist for this series.

In this small group on-line format (three to four couples) you’ll get a head start on couple therapy by acquainting yourself with how Relational Life Therapy works.  Concepts covered include:

  • The three phases of RLT and what to expect in each phase
  • How to assess your own and your partner’s motivation for change
  • The difference between first and second consciousness responses
  • Three basic ‘parts’ of the human psyche and how they conflict with each other, as well as with our partner’s parts
  • How to use Terry Real’s Relationship Grid as a road map for navigating self-esteem and boundaries
  • How to make requests
  • How to do an effective time out

Our time will be divided approximately equally between presentation and Q&A.  You will get a feel for how I work, how RLT works, and whether couple therapy as I practice it is a good fit for you.  If you do proceed with RLT your therapy will be accelerated.


A 2-Day Relational Living Bootcamp

For couples and individuals

Next Bootcamp Date and Location TBA

Please note: If I do not have a bootcamp posted that works for your schedule, see the full list of workshops being offered here:

This workshop is the authorized relationship bootcamp developed by Terry Real (best-selling author), based on Relational Life Therapy, a cutting edge therapy that has helped countless couples to regain intimacy and joy in their relationships.

Who is this workshop for?

  • Anyone in a troubled relationship looking for some guidance on how to navigate the bumps and make repair
  • People considering RLT therapy who want to understand more about what they will experience
  • People in RLT therapy who want to deepen their understanding of the terms and skills in order to accelerate their progress
  • People in successful relationships who want to ensure continued success
  • Any individual or couple who wants a deeper understanding of where we all tend to trip up in relationships
  • Therapists, coaches, and mental health workers interested in gaining some skills they can use with their own clients/patients (12 CEUs offered)

What to expect in this workshop

  • A relaxed presentation of the concepts and skills that keep people both ‘connected and protected’ in relationships
  • A primarily education environment, rather than therapy

  • About 30 people in a classroom like setting

  • Opportunities to practice skills and/or to observe others doing so